For those of you who aren't aware money is essential to live on. I found out last week that I have actually $160 a month to live on. Half of the support I was expecting, hit a snag and has to be untied. "Faith is the substance of thing hoped for the evidence of things not seen." Thank God for that. I can't see the support so I hoping for the evidence of things not seen. Beyond that, God has provided for me, every time. I remember once in Ghana I was completely out of money and my Grandfather had decided to mail me a birthday card with a $20 in it. I am amazed it actually made it through the mail. Bottom line, I live, and serve God through other people's generosity. I can never take that for granted. God inspires people to give and He provides for the people that serve Him. I have never gone without. God opens new roads all the time to provide for the work of the Kingdom of God. I look for those roads and follow them.
Today, I felt sick and I had a tooth ache. I thought to myself, what will I do without insurance? Then I thought, I'll do what I have always done. As an adult living and working overseas I have taken every advantage the US Government provides for low income, US citizens. The only health insurance I could afford while working overseas provided for emergency health care needs, not the every day colds, cavities and pap smears.
In the end though, God always provides. Do not fret and worry over little things, ask God for help.