Tina Senegal

TinaSenegal is a blog about my life in Oussouye, Senegal. My greatest desire is for this village to experience the LOVE of Jesus Christ.

Monday, February 19, 2007


Onto the next thing, my computer. I purchased a new computer in the fall for my journey to Senegal. We decided lap tops weren't a good option because the fans in the hot climate are too small, lap tops live a short life in the third world. I had a lap top in Ghana that actually never really had a lift off. It was broken 90% of the time. I do remember one day when I saw an actual web cast of my friends partying. Then the lap top died. I guess my friends were too much for the little thing.

My friend Lou installed Linux on my machine because viruses are rampant in the third world, and everyone wants to dump on Microsoft machines, but nobody care about Linux. Thankfully. So I had to brave the new independent world of Linux. Through my new journey into the Linux world I have learned about Microsoft's ruler ship over the computer world. I had to find an MP3 player that worked in Linux. Then had to figure out why all my music on the new machine wouldn't actually play on the MP3 player, coming to the conclusion after much soul searching that they were ogg files not mp3 files. Arghghghgh. This has been a frustrating experience for me.

After having loaded all my music and collecting dvd's to entertain me in the nether regions of the third world, remembered that my speakers plug into the wall in America and would not plug into the wall in Senegal. Problem solved by getting speakers that plug only into the usb port of my computer.

There are other challenges that await me in the computer world I am sure. For now I am taking things one step at a time.

All of this reminding me to search every nook and cranny of my mind for the smallest things I am forgetting. Obvious things like plugs.

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