Tina Senegal

TinaSenegal is a blog about my life in Oussouye, Senegal. My greatest desire is for this village to experience the LOVE of Jesus Christ.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Before you go test things out

If you are planning on moving overseas, my suggestion is make a list a year in advance of things that need to get accomplished. Honestly, over the last two weeks lots of little things have emerged that took a lot longer than I thought.

Power of Attorney and Health Care Proxy - Make sure you have a power of attorney set in place before you leave with all of your financial institutions. My investments are through Ameriprise Financial Services. At first, they sounded like they needed a special kind of power of attorney. Called Uncle Don, the lawyer, to understand different kinds of powers of attorney. Ameriprise clarified what they actually need. I spent three hours with my investment firm the other day setting everything up for while I am gone.

The retirement rollover from my job did not go as planned either. They need power of attorney or gave me the option of calling from Ossouye to roll over my investments. I was like, this is a village lady, the phone might not be working for two weeks, but I did receive the number that I can make a collect call to, to roll over investments. So the legal department at United Technologies has to approve my power of attorney and then Fidelity has to approve the power of attorney. And again, nothing works easily or as you planned.

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