Tina Senegal

TinaSenegal is a blog about my life in Oussouye, Senegal. My greatest desire is for this village to experience the LOVE of Jesus Christ.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Yes Africa is known for it's GIANT termite mounds.  I battle them in my yard as well.  They bother me the most when the rainy season starts and they flutter out of their mountain of sand and in their thousands try to get into my house.  So I asked my gardener to bring their houses down.  These particular termite mounds have only been there for about a year.  From one mound Daniel pulled out the queen, this big squirmy worm, their precious leader.  The second mound was built around a tree and Daniel was digging in such a way that it wouldn't fall down in a dangerous manner.  While digging he heard a noise and jumped out of the hole quickly and the whole hill fell over.  God totally saved Daniel from the termites. 

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