Tina Senegal

TinaSenegal is a blog about my life in Oussouye, Senegal. My greatest desire is for this village to experience the LOVE of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Tourist Season

October through April is the main tourist season in Senegal. Unfortunately sex tourism is on the rise in Senegal. Although perhaps the tourists see themselves as real winners for scoring a PHAT African guy or girl for a week of cheap sex, those of us who live here and are not interested in this kind of tourism are seriously affected. Monday while I was in Ziguinchor I asked directions to the phone company. The man said to me, "Perhaps you need a companion" and turned to a rasta guy standing next to him. I am not sure how..."Can you give me directions to the phone company" got translated into "I'd like a rasta man to be my companion for sex" but apparently it did.

Then not two hours later at the market I got chased down by another rasta guy who said he was MY FRIEND. After I politely refused his aid, he continued to grab me and insist that he was my friend.

This kind of stuff really frustrates me so much in Senegal. I am not in serious danger, for people who are reading this and thinking, "Oh my God..." its just a matter of dealing with the situation, I just can't stand it.

Here I am, just off the plane’
Mass-marketing sex tourism
Sexual tourism, a mercantile form of extreme leisure with its roots in prostitution, is on the rise. It can be seen as an extension of the service aspect of mass tourism, in itself a modern version of the old colonial attitudes towards the world.

By Franck Michel

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ladyakofa said...
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