Thursday is usually a day reserved for prayer walks and evangelism. Last Thursday we went to Ishmael's village. All through the day I felt as if we were immersed in God's presence. When we arrived we worshiped on Ishmael's porch for a long time. Then went to visit a young girl we had prayed with on our previous visit. She wasn't there but a young man named Paul was there. As soon as his head emerged from the house I saw a door open in his life. He sat with him and told him about Jesus. Lorrie had a word about him having difficult with his eyes and school. He confirmed the prophetic word, that yes, he was 14 or and still at the elementary school do to his difficulty with learning. He cannot see far away and has trouble writing. We prayed for him to know Jesus and God to heal his eyes.
We then went on to visit Ishmael's uncle who is blind and has a difficult time believe that God loves him. We worshiped at his house and then, something new overcame me. I began to tell a Bible story, in true dramatic, Tina style. It was so fun, I had the language to do it and the whole family came out and around and listened to the story of Zacheaus and how Jesus called him down from the tree to eat at his house. Lorrie and Tom both had words for him. You could tell he was really touched.
Later we visited my friend Patricia who has come to the Wednesday fun days at the house and the finally ate at Ishmael's and prayed for his family. It was a really fantastic day.
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