When I first came to Oussouye in 2007 I started a Bible Study at Victorine's house. My language skills were minimal. There was no electricity at her apartment and perhaps 60 students living around her. It was a great place for new contacts but difficult to conduct a Bible study with activities, small groups, extended worship etc. Last year we moved the Bible study to my house. The Wednesday night Bible studies have flourished but leaving Vicki's also left aside an open field where people never have a chance to hear the gospel. In January Vicki and I started meeting again on Thursday nights. I left out many elements of the traditional Bible study. Leaving in Bible discussion, a little worship and prayer. This has been so much more effective. In the few short weeks we are beginning to develop a group. It's short enough that people stay and listen. I am thankful for this opening. I need to make contact with these students soon because Vicki leaves next year. If I want to continue at this student complex of apartments I need a new student as willing as interested to gather people each week. Pray that one of these newcomers begins to seek after Christ on his own and I can connect with them on a level to keep it going.
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