Tina Senegal

TinaSenegal is a blog about my life in Oussouye, Senegal. My greatest desire is for this village to experience the LOVE of Jesus Christ.

Monday, September 1, 2008

The further exploits of a Jola Dog

When I was a child I loved my first dog, Cleo. We were best friends. After I moved to Africa I started to really detest dogs because they were dirty, full of insects and you couldn't really play with them like you could at home. It's taken me a long time to like dogs again, but Adjou has softened my sensibilities a bit.

The other day I came home and Adjou's jowl's were swollen up again. This is the second time I have found him in such a state. He stares at me saying "help me mommy!" I have no idea what he eats that gets him in this state. Whatever it is, it swells up his lips and he is just miserable for several hours. I stare back saying, "what a moron you are."