Tina Senegal

TinaSenegal is a blog about my life in Oussouye, Senegal. My greatest desire is for this village to experience the LOVE of Jesus Christ.

Sunday, April 29, 2007


I visited Kabrousse this weekend. The trip turned out to be a really fantastic time. Jeanne and I had to wrestle through discussions with my french and her lack of english. But it was awsome. Last night she said to me, 'I am praying for a miracle for Kabrousse because it seems like that is what will save the town.' I said we were praying with her for that miracle.

In church on today we had a discussion about a parable and it was very interesting and they asked many questions. Gabriel said that is the first time he ever enjoyed worship so much in his life. After church Jean Baptiste, Gabriel and I went for a prayer walk and walked right into a festish feast. They all wanted to shake my hand and they thought I should bring meat for a sacrifice. Jean Baptiste and Gabriel looked terrified. It was fine I shook everyones hands and took a picture and we left to keep praying the devil out of Kabrousse.

Gabriel's father has six shrines in his house alone and more in the forest. Everyone has a shrine on their house in Oussouye. I saw the big fetish for the women it is an enormous shrine. Also for Eileen Sittoh Diatta, she was considered a traditional fetish prophet but died in prison in Timbuktu. She fought for the Liberation of the Cassamance Region.

I really like visiting Kabrousse and am thankful for the friendships there

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