A Day In Oussouye
I have read that people who live overseas often become bipolar because of the ups and downs of everyday life. The key to survival, take everything as it comes and relax.
Here is the story of a day in Oussouye. At 6:30 a.m. I wake up and get dressed for prayer. After prayer I went to Bernard's house and we met up with this very old woman, Yvonne, who is sick and her daughter Georgette. I was able to give a vision to each women and they both started a relationship with God. Afterwards Bernard gave me a fantastic history lesson of the missionary work that had been done in the Cassamance Region.
I returned home to extreme cramps and stomach ills. This happens periodically and is sort of the nature of life no matter how clean your surroundings. Thankfully it subsided and I was still able to get work done.
I walked to my Bible Study that was to start at 6 p.m. and met two of the girls in the study on their way to take a shower. I knew then that things were not going to start on time so I took the opportunity to visit the husband of Harriette. He is sick and out of work so I thought I would go and pray for him. Things went well considering I hardly speak any French.
I am super duper happy that God is all powerful and that He likes me because a miracle happened!!! Jerome did not show up to translate the meeting but the women all said that it was ok they understood my French. So Victorine MC'd the meeting and then I taught the Bible Study in French. It was then translated into Jola for the group that don't speak French. To me this is just amazing. On Monday I was completely frustrated that I was never going to get this whole French language thing. Then two days later I am teaching a Bible Study in French.
I still have a lot of pride in certain areas of my life that God talks to me about but when it comes to French I have no pride whatsoever. I am sure that I sound absolutely ridiculous. They do not seem to mind though because they want to speak English and practice with me whenever they have a chance.
As I was walking home a young boy asked me to marry him. I said no, but its good to know that I have options if I get lonely. Marcel said that he has a job working with pigs to offer the young man, should I decide to marry him.
The only English reading material I have been able to find for entertainment was a copy of Huck Finn that a missionary left behind. Last night I enjoyed reading a conversation between Big Jim and Huck about why some people speak French and not English. Big Jim's conclusion was if the French were “Real” men they would speak English not French.
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