This week I wasn't sure where to go for our weekly prayer and evangelism. At dinner on Wednesday night we were talking about our friend Pierro in Okoute. I said, "hey we should go see him on Friday." and so it was. A great day. We started out at Boris's house for lunch and hanging out. Then went to Pierro's. He has severe diabetes and recently returned to his village. He was living at the assistant pastor's house for a few months and had come to know Jesus there. His return to Okoute left him feeling a bit distant from God. He shared with us that God had given him a dream this past week and we were able to encourage him and pray for him. During the prayer God told Lorrie that he had given Boris a vision for Pierro, she asked him and indeed he had a vision. We encouraged him to share it and he did. Afterwards, we invited Pierro's friends to come and hear about Jesus, then we all laid hands on the kids and prayed for them. It was a fantastic day of ministry and sharing life.