The other day Erin came home with a bag full of sea crabs from the market. She had been wanting to buy some and finally there they were in a bucket at the market. 50cfa for three. Now that's about .10 cents for three crabs. What a deal. First we had fun feeding one to the dog and watching him tear off the legs one by one and then carry it off into the bushes for the rest of the kill. We then boiled up four of them for a trial run with Ishmael, Paul, Erin and I. This was great because we didn't actually know how to eat them. Ish showed us the parts that weren't good, according to him most parts were good to eat, including the heart and lung type parts. You can also drink the crabby water inside of you want. I opted out on that. We showed them the art of dipping crab parts in melted butter which was new to them and they thoroughly enjoyed our style. Later in the evening Erin and chowed on the rest of the troupe of crabs. Using hammers and knives to get to the good stuff, covered with table clothes and butter crab parts are still being found around our kitchen.
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