We finally named our dog Adjou. It means worker in Jola. (or something like that) The first Jola name that appealed to both Erin and I for the dog was Attika. Ishmael was like yeah name the dog Attika, which means rebel. Erin and I both liked it, done. Then Jerome came over and informed us that Attika is the name of the rebel movement in the Cassamance region. Suddenly I imagined myself running through the neighborhood searching for my dog shouting "Attika, Attika" And getting myself killed. So the dog became simple "worker." For which he is works appropriately by eating rocks and sleeping all day.
Yesterday we took him for a walk through town by the end of the road through Harlem he was tired and searching for shade. When people would pass us going the other direction he would turn and follow them, completely confused about which way he should be going.
On Thursday Erin and I had hamburgers. I gave the meat fat to the dog. He almost bit my hand off taking it down. After that he sort of stopped eating. I was like he is sick. On Friday we had vegetable curry. He took his rice with sauce and picked out the veges from the rice and refused to eat any of it. How could one billion Indians be wrong? Then today, same thing, wouldn't eat rice or drink. Finally Erin gives him her left over pancake and he gobbles it down. I realize I have been completely taken by this 6 week old dog. Of course who wouldn't prefer to be hand fed meat and pancakes on their sick bed everyday and not work. Ah Adjou..........it's rice from here on out buddy. GET TO WORK, GO GUARD SOMETHING!
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