Yesterday I went to Mlumpe for a visit and had an opportunity to preach today. Mlumpe is a larger village only 9 kilometers away from Ousouye but it takes 45 minutes to get there because the road is soooo bad. When the car arrived going to Mlumpe I was pushed around by 15 other people also going there and I had to use serious force to get a standing place on the bus. Today coming home was the same Florence had to sit on my lap and I was sharing a place with another girl behind me. There is no electricity and no running water in Mlumpe. The Catholic church has a large presence there but most of the Catholics in this region are animists also.
When I visited Mlumpe in August Leopold had just started to openly build his church. The years previous he was living in a lot of fear to start the church. There were four people at church in August. Leopold, his wife, Florence from the Oussouye church and on guy called Basil. When I went today there were 15 adults and as many children. They have seen fantastic growth since Leopold stopped being so afraid to preach the Gospel, people are responding. I am so thankful for what God is doing there. They have already outgrown the space they have been meeting in for two years. In two months. God is so cool.
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