Population 12,521,851 (2007 estimate)
Urban/rural distribution
Share urban 51 percent (2005 estimate)
Share rural 49 percent (2005 estimate)
Largest cities, with population
Dakar 2,079,000 (2000 estimate)
Thiès 228,017 (1996 estimate)
Kaolack 199,023 (1996 estimate)
Ziguinchor 180,555 (1996 estimate)
Saint-Louis 132,425 (1996 estimate)
Ethnic groups
Wolof 44 percent
Fulani, Tukulor 24 percent
Serer 15 percent
Diola 5 percent
Mandinka 4 percent
Other 8 percent
French (official), Wolof, Serer, Diola, Mandinka, other indigenous languages
Religious affiliations
Muslim 87 percent
Indigenous beliefs 6 percent
Christian (mostly Roman Catholic) 5 percent
Other 2 percent
Life expectancy
Total 56.7 years (2007 estimate)
Female 58.1 years (2007 estimate)
Male 55.3 years (2007 estimate)
Infant mortality rate 60 deaths per 1,000 live births (2007 estimate)
Literacy rate
Total 42.1 percent (2005 estimate)
Female 32.6 percent (2005 estimate)
Male 51.7 percent (2005 estimate)
Number of radios per 1,000 people 141 (1997)
Number of telephones per 1,000 people 23 (2005)
Number of televisions per 1,000 people 37 (2000 estimate)
Number of Internet hosts per 10,000 people 0.65 (2003)
Daily newspaper circulation per 1,000 people 5 (1996)
Number of motor vehicles per 1,000 people 14 (1999)
Paved road as a share of total roads 29 percent (2003)

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