Sunday March 29th - 31st, Pastors and young people from the Oussouye Church and Pastor Offie Bolie from Ziguinchor visited several islands in our region. It's been our vision for a long time to spend some days on these islands teaching people about Jesus and praying. This trip we landed on Vendaye and stayed there with a family. Monday we traveled to Itou, Diague and Karabane. We returned to Vendaye in the evening and shared the Gospel some more there. Then we left early Tuesday back to Elinkine and finally home. This trip was absolutely amazing. Everyone is catching vision for this unreached land. We handed out Bibles to people who had never held one in their hands, preached Jesus to so many people who have never heard about the Grace of Jesus Christ. One old man who would sit with us continually at the home we were staying in, loved listening to the New Testament on the MEGA VOICE. Hearing about Jesus in his own Jola language. You could watch his eyes bug out during different parts. During the story of the woman caught in adultery, he ssshhhh'd us all so he could hear it clearly. On Itou, Jerome told a group of 20 school children about Jesus.
This was my first visit to Diague and that place reminds me of Elinkine and Cap Skirring rolled into one. It's a fishing villages with people from all over Senegal and West Africa. Each bringing his own religion, idolatry, drugs, prostitutes and everything else. The place is dark and chaotic. Many people shared with us that there are no fish and the river is moving into their village. We prayed there and shared the gospel with only a few.
Our stop in Karabane was brief and just meant so that everyone could walk around and see the place. It's more of a tourist island. But it happened to be a cool stop for me. I saw one of the boys who is always at my house on Wednesdays. I had forgotten he was from Karaban. This was great because I met his whole family.
The trip was truely amazing and God blessed it in every way.