Yesterday we went and prayed in Kabrousse. Since 2004 UCF has prayed continually for the work in Kabrousse. A church was just beginning there in 2004, since then the pastor died and the work has struggled to continue. Kabrousse is a central location among the Jola for fetish worship. People love to go to Kabrousse and dance on the fetish. We in turn love to dance on the fetish in Jesus' name that the work of the devil will be destroyed in that village.
I don't have a picture to say a thousand words for what happened yesterday so I will try to describe it. We began by visiting the house of Gibrail, a Christian from Kabrousse who goes to the church in Oussouye. His father is the head priest and has seven fetishes at his home and several in the forest. After greeting Mr. head priest and not finding Gibrail we guietly left and prayed over the fetish sites at his house on our way,
Dean had a vision in January of this year of us dancing and worshipping on a fetish in Kabrousse. Then last night I had a word about singing about the faithful vineyard, which comes from a chapter in Isaiah regarding the work in Kabrousse God had given us many years ago. So we brought the guitare in hopes of dancing and singing in Kabrousse.
We headed towards the center of the village where they have their fetish site with all the bones hanging from their sacrifices and their traditional drums for dancing for the sacrifices. We sat around a tree and Matt started to play the guitare. Then Dean began to dance and then dance more and more, spinning and things began to move in the spirit. Like a whirlwind was being created expelling the works of the enemy that enslave everyone in Kabrousse. Then one child entered in with Dean and decided to dance as well. This began the most amazing thing, all the children began to dance with Dean as we sang about the love of Christ for the nations, right in the middle of this circle for worshipping demons. Then Erin asked if she could play the drums and the man sitting watching us said it was not a problem. So she began to play the drums created for worshipping the devil and she played them for Jesus and she played and played and we all worshipped and danced. Ishmael was with us and Ishmael danced on the fetish for Jesus!
I started to dance with the children when someone asked me what all this was about. Her name was Mary and she spoke English. I explained to her what we were doing and she said she knew about Jesus so I was able to pray with her to know Christ.
Later we gathered the children and we were bechoned over to a man who's legs were shriveled in his wheel chair and explained Christ to them. Felix, the man with the shriveled legs received Christ and asked that someone would return and explain these things to him further.
This was all a fulfillment of prophesy and a spiritual work of taking back what is the Lord's. God continues to amaze me in so many ways!
Tina Senegal
TinaSenegal is a blog about my life in Oussouye, Senegal. My greatest desire is for this village to experience the LOVE of Jesus Christ.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
UCF Missions Team 2008
The trip to the islands on Wednesday was a fulfillment of vision for me. I have been praying for the islands for a long time and was amazed at what God was bringing us into as we saw things unfold. Jerome, Marcel and Joe went with us on the voyage. We visited four islands; Karaban, Kachaoune, Nikine, and Cfouke. The pastors were not sure when these islands were last evangelized but they believed it could have been as long ago as the 1950's. In Nikine we even were invited back to show the Jesus films. We prayed with several people to receive Christ and handed out Bibles. As we were going down the river it was almost as if you could here God's creation receiving us to preach Jesus. There is a huge work among the islands among people with no hope but only the slavery to the fetish and it's inability to protect and provide for them. God established a new hope.
UCF Missions Team 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Driving Hazards

While driving on Thursday there was one point when I was driven towards the edge of the road because a donkey cart was passing a guy in a wheel chair on the other side of the road and there was a car parked on my side. Driving in Africa can be dangerous. After our long day in Ziguinchor we unpacked the car, showered and went to dinner with this missionary family. On the way home going five miles an hour we were blocked by cows feuding in the road. Seriously they lunged towards us a couple of times as if we were another bull vying for the right of one of their cows. Dangerous stuff here.
Dog Anxiety

I feel like a parent who is too paranoid to let go. My dog is the barrier between me and the snakes, but he's also company when things get tough, something who is waiting for you to get up in the morning and get excited when you come home at night. I am really attached to my dog right now. But........he continues to go head to head with unseen obstacles of danger. Today he comes out and sits next to me while I am doing my laundry and his eyes all messed up again like when he was sprayed by the cobra. But the eye wasn't white like before but he can't keep it open. My heart drops into my stomach, DISASTER, the dog is sick again. I am not sure if it was another cobra or he stuck himself in the eye with something...... I am believing for a good long life for my dog, I would like it if he has both his eyes for the length of it. Thanks God. Tinie
ps. boredom often leads to random dog photography
Jerome's Moto

A few months after Erin arrived here Jerome's moto was crashed by someone who borrowed it. It was super devasting because Jerome really needs the moto to get around because of his leg limp. Erin told Jerome she would start praying for a new one and it wasn't long after that that we received word that there was money being sent. This time he purchased a moto that you need a lisence to drive. This is really important here because it's really VERY impolite to say no if someone asks to borrow something. They are a very communal culture and share everything. When something is broken or lost it's disappointing but that's just communal life.
This bike is really fantastic and strong! God is so great!
Driving in Senegal

Last week we asked the Haerter family for a ride to Ziguinchor the next time they plan on making the trip. Instead they offered us their car for a day. I can't express what an amazingly cool thing that was for us. It's rare here that someone would offer their car for you to borrow. I was all about the challenge though. I had a car for 4 and a 1/2 years in Ghana and I so miss my Niva. We are slaves to public transport and sometimes that means waiting in the center of town an hour for a bus. Then after a long day of tromping around Ziguinchor shopping you arrive and have to wait an hour at the garage before the car fills up.
But back to the good stuff. I was all smiles on the way to Ziguinchor the other day. We had loads of things to do because of the UCF team coming and the opportunity to hall bigger stuff home was enticing. Not even so much bigger stuff, but stuff like hangers for the armoir, a water melon. Stuff that is too big for backpacks. We really had a wonderful time, I can't say enough about it, it was worth loads to me.
English Night Number Two

Originally we planned three English nights at the training center. As you can see it's been a month since the last one and I think I just posted the photos from the first last week. We had another great turnout. Erin went over colors and also we did another round of what's that. During the class the electricity went out and we just kept on moving with candles. We had more kids this time as one of the boys went searching for more "clients" and showed up with Florence's son in tow. It's been wonderful and I hope God can help me keep it going after Erin leaves.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Paul Assine

I am sorry for the very late photos of baby Paul. He is wonderful and very social. He does not like to be left alone for a moment. I call him "le Grande" It seems to be sticking as many of us now call him this. Everyone says he looks just like Joshua but he is more beautiful. Marie Claire and Jerome are proud parents of their second son. And I am super thrilled to have more babies to hug,squeeze and kiss.
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